Terry Wayne Hobbs was born on May 21st, 1958. oh boy. She described all three of on them on bicycles although they were only on two. You really would need magic to pull it off. As they were riding around the street, Terry and David drove by on Barton (Barton would have lead them directly out of the neighborhood, taking them to 7th street which leads up to Lakeshore) and David saw them in the street. Additionally, Stevie had what appeared to be bruises on the back of his head. I dont feel it was an actualclubhouse. thanks for the recommendation!! (Charlotte Bly interview). In my opinion, it shows that this theory is actually exactly what happened. But the deeper I dug, the more I realized that not only was there no evidence to discredit that these four men committed this murder, all the known evidence supports the notion that they actually did do it. The reason why Chriss skin was removed but his penis remained, i.e. This would mean that the attack and torture was focused on the two conscious boys; Chris and Stevie, whichiswhat appeared to have happen. When prosecutor John Fogelman interviewed Buddy later, Buddy repeatedly told him that he had an alibi for the 5th despite the fact that Fogelman never even brought it up himself. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? Clemente emphasized that someone who wants to know why the children were killed would likely encourage any and all evidence testing, as its one step closer to understanding the heinous murder. Steven Branch had lacerations on his penis which were probably self-inflicted indicating a sexualized child, usually associated with sexual abuse. I allege that Terry tied up one side of Stevie and then told either Buddy or LG to finish doing the other side. VERY intriguing. David claims a little black girl told them the boys were heading to the woods. Her relay of the conversation seems to reveal that Narlene is talking to LG as if they both know that Damien is guilty. Why would she lie about seeing the three boys that day? Ill let you be the judge. If the men left the woods by 8pm and searchers did not arrive till around 10, that would give stray dogs approx. Dixie came to work later and Linda Hollingsworth came in asking about where L.G. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM?AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. Another coincidence? Basically, the truth was overshadowed by stories of cults and devil worshipping put into Aarons head by his mother and the West Memphis detectives, Bryn Ridge and Gary Gitchell. I could continue to list the ways that Mr. Douglass' statement is wrong, but I don't think I have to. Terry Hobbs grew up working for his dad as a butcher; his job was to tie up cattle and hogs, transport them, butcher them and to possible even prepare and bind the meat. Hobbs, who had previously been under the police scanner for the murders because of inconsistencies in his story, had later been cleared of any wrongdoing but found himself being verbally abused by Byers in front of cameras outside a courtroom. Before I summarize what the Guy/Stewart affidavits reveal, Id like to summarize the statements made by Aaron Hutchinson in his first two interviews. VICKIE: UM, WEST MEMPHIS POLICE HAD ALL OF THE AREA ROPED OFFRIDGE: OKAYVICKIE: I WENT TO THE DEAD END IT WAS YOU KNOWRIDGE: DEAD END? And why would Narlene have any need to lie for LG if he was innocent? And that 1 cop will know that a member of that community being subjected to questioning for a crime of this nature could lead down all sorts of paths: one of those paths being that Terry likes dick and is part of a small community that likes dick and that that 1 cop likes dick. That makes sense to me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When police told him they were going to polygraph him about Jessies alleged confession, Buddy immediately admitted that he had lied; Jessie never said anything to him about the murders. My theory is this: Stevie had never seen the men in the woods having sex before. We know that the boys clubhouse was right next to a pile of 2x4s which again supports the notion that the boys were discovered right by their clubhouse.). The only reason one could think that someone would make the concerted, and possibly dangerous, effort to take the bikes up to the bayou to be submerged, was to give themselves time to create an alibi. For whatever reason, if this all is the truth, something went wrong, and that was the day that the boys tragically got caught spying. Dana Moore was there the entire time; she never left. On the right side, it appeared as if he had been hit with something that was flat. Before Pam went to work she made a dinner of green beans and steak. RIDGE OKAY, SO WHEN BUDDY TELLS US THAT HE BELIEVES THAT THE DATE ON THE 5TH THAT HE WENT OVER THERE WITH YOU, HE DID GO OVER THERE WITH YOU, BUT IT WASNT ON THAT DATE? In the first one, she is relaying to police a conversation she had with her sister in law about LG and his family and the way they all were behaving a few days after the murder. According to Clemente, suspects who have something to hide, such as evidence, or signs of abuse at the home, will not want police to search their residence and will attempt to put distance between themselves and where the abuse took place. Mark took Chris home, spanked him for being in the middle of the street and not waiting at home, told him to clean the carport and left him there cleaning at 5:30. The question is, why? The West Memphis Three case has been an unfinished puzzle for over twenty years, but if you go back through the years and find all the little pieces and begin to put them together, I believe that you will have your answers about what happened that night; the puzzle is complete and it is undeniable. LGs whereabouts that night are equally suspicious, if not more so. I cant be sure, but its possible that the interviewer in this deposition meant Roy not Ray. There is an easy explanation for that, though, if its true. He writes that there is sign of hemorrhage. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. RIDGE OKAY, THATS WHAT IM GETTING TO, BUT YOU HAVE BEEN THERE ON OCCASION WITH BUDDY? RIDGE: SO HOW ABOUT DO YOU KNOW STEVE, DID HE EVER GO DOWN THERE WITH YOU?AARON: UM, ONLY ONE TIMERIDGE: ONE TIME, WERE THEY, WERE YOU ALL WATCHING THE FIVE MEN DOWN THERE THAT TIME WHEN HE WENT WITH YOU?AARON: NO, HES NEVER WE NEVER TOLD HIM ABOUT IT. Additionally, Michael Moore was tied on one side of his body using a somewhat complicated knot, called a Square Knot. How about his fucking alibi, oh wait, the dudehe claimed him as an alibi thinks he did it. Maybe because sheknewLG was involved and he told her that Damien did it. If you read Jacobys interview and declaration, they both give Hobbs an alibi and they both make it impossible for Hobbs to have committed the crime without Jacoby having noticed something peculiar about Hobbs. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/story/21810828/new-allegations-surface-in-the-west-memphis-3-murders. Which is right in line with why this attack would have occurred. The Messed Up Truth About The West Memphis Three Murders - Grunge.com This suggests that Terry Hobbs was the person who tied up Michael Moore and it is further supported by the manner in which Michael was tied up. Actually, Buddy and LG are theonlytwo people in twenty years of suspects and allegations that had family member come forward and say that they had blood on them following the murders. This is the reason why David remembers the three playing; two on bicycles and one on a skateboard. I think David Jacoby made a mistake/ a slip when he claimed that he saw the three boys, two on bicycles and one on a skateboard on the street when Terry showed up. They also could have used them to dry and clean their feet after entering the ditch. I believe that certainly Buddy, and perhaps LG as well, participated in the crime because of The Bystander Effect; they partook in the crime out of fear and/or compliance, but they did not have intentions to murder. This too, may have further contributed to the injuries on the left side of his face. Hobbs may be awful, but nothing accounts for the beating and drowning that took place. AARON: NO, HES NEVER WE NEVER TOLD HIM ABOUT IT. HE SAID WE WENT THERE EVERYDAY BUT WOULDNT GO ON FRIDAY AND I TOLD HIM WHY HOW DO YOU KNOW FRIDAY? Ok, now kiss. Terry had returned home from his job and accompanied his wife to work. I think its highly probable that Terry repeatedly bit Stevie on his face, mostly on his left side. I allege that all three men returned to Terrys home and cleaned themselves up, which most likely involved washing mud off their shoes. He was also a minister in the Apostolic Pentecost Church, a fundamentalist group. RIDGE: THESE MEN. RIDGE: OKAY. VICKIE: UM, JUST SOME BOARDS, LOOKED LIKE SOME ONE HAD LIKE MADE A DEER STAND, A LONG TIME AGO OR SOMETHING AND JUST SOME BOARDS AND THEY KINDA HAD YOU KNOW LIKE A FORTRIDGE: OKAY, AND WERE THEY NAILED ONTO THE TREE OR COULD YOU TELL THAT? ~Also, during trial, Perreti said about ten times that the weapon was probably a 24. In 1993, he was married to Pamela Hobbs and was the step father of Stevie Branch. Yet, when Jared asked about the evidence possibly being tested in the future, Hobbs said he was against testing anything else and as far as he was concerned, the case was solved when Echols, Misskelly, and Baldwin were arrested. "He would have been a heart breaker if. If we believe these statements by Aaron, which I think are very plausible, we have not only a motive for murder but the very basis for what might have occurred in those woods on May 5th, 1993. 1. I personally could argue that the three are guilty based on the research I've done, but I could also argue that Terry Hobbs is. "It's my. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? I believe that she knew that LG was somehow involved in the murders. I strongly feel that this was something that only the killer or someone who witnessed the killing, would have known. David Jacoby claimed that Terry said that Stevie was out riding his bike and that he told them to be back before dark. HE TOLD THE REST OF THE MEN TO HOLD THEM OR SOMETHING AND PROBABLY DID IT. apparently Terry said just 2 weeks after the deaths that Pam was neglecting her duties as a wife, apparently Terry was jealous of how much Pam loved and gave attention to Stevie. At the same time, she felt she must lie to protect her nephew, as she may have been told that his participation was very small. The only person whose DNA would be in that ligature isthe person who tied the knots, Echols said. In my assessment, it speaks volumes to the guilt of Terry Hobbs that the children were tied up in the same manner as hogs being prepared for transport and that two of the children were tied up using square knots and figure eight knots, the same knots used by farmers and butchers. Is it merely a coincidence that Terry Hobbs was a former butcher and that he grew up working on his familys pig farm? And if he witnessed the beginning of sexual activity, Stevie, unlike the others, would have known that if the three of them got caught spying they all would have been killed. Essentially, the statements made by Dr. Perretti are not much different than if Pam took her son to a doctor, had him examined and was then told by the doctor that Stevie had injuries related to sexual abuse. THAT THE FIVE MAN MAY HAVE CAUGHT THEM? Terry Hobbs was reported missing from Kinard on April 20, but . RIDGE: OKAY, WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED TO THEM? Twitter. If Echols is successful in court, the DNA testing process will likely take months. When Stevie was pulled from the water, the left side of his face was terribly mangled. They were convicted of the murders of three 8 year old boys and the public took an interest in them, with documentaries being made proclaiming their innocence. 2, 2019 at 4:53 PM PDT. Here is a timeline of how events may have unfolded that day. As Brent Turvey wrote in his profile of the criminal, the man who perpetrated this act against Christopher is a closet homosexual who carries shame about his homosexual tendencies. My Uncle Terry Murdered the Three - West Memphis Three | Facebook $10,000 reward for new information leading to a missing man - WJHG First of all, she claims that her husband, her three children and her sons girlfriend were all in the car that night and two of her children even testified in court about the sighting. "Yes I do have doubts. The figure eight knot is used in conjunction with the Packers Knot; a knot used by butchers when they bind meat. They believed something inappropriate may be going on between the two, who practically lived together. YEA IT WAS BUT, I WOULD THINK SO, IN ORDER TO HOLD ALL 3 LITTLE 8 YEAR OLDS THAT IT WAS PRETTY STURDY. I am scared and I am fearful . I believe the clubhouse was mainly a concealed spot where the boys played. Terry is an absolute sadist, psychopath and was never properly investigated, and I know The Hobbs Family Secret is true, possibly The Puzzle. What this means is that the men would have only needed to briefly remove their shoes before entering the water. When the boys were eventually discovered the next day, not only were they discovered hidden under water, but their clothes and bicycles had all been submerged as well. Its likely that Terry was already heading to Billy Stewarts home since, according to Billy, he was Terrys drug dealer at this time. John Douglas claimed to have searched murders all over the world and could not identityone other timethat this method of tying someone up was used. They had contusions, which are bruises, which had to have happened before death, on their ears, under eyes, over eyes, on forehead, etc. It really wasnt too difficult to do, at least for some of it. The West Memphis Three Case: An Evolving Story of Doubt However, I dont think it takes an expert to see that the mark above Stevies eye appears to truly be a bite mark. I believe as David dragged Chris with him back to the others, he picked up one of the boards that lay in the open nearby. Echols specifically wants the shoestrings used to tie up the victims to be tested at a California lab that utilizes new technology to extract DNA from evidence. Then, I believe that Terry began to attack Stevies face by biting him and even possibly striking his face with the corner of the board. Pam walked past him to the car and had to find out from her 4 year old daughter, Amanda, that they couldnt find Stevie. However, since LG was wearing a tie that day and the alleged confessions state the teens wrestled, its my belief that LGs shirt and tie had been removed for the entire murder, which meant that it was clean. DNA consistent with Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, was. The DNA used for comparison purposes was taken from cigarette butts obtained from an ashtray. Then Vicki cuts him off and says he means "sex". ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. . Terry Hobbs absolutely killed the boys and the neighbor girl said he had seen them right before the boys died. Terry Hobbs was basically unaccounted for from 5pm to approx. (1, 2, 3) This means that not only did Narlene lie repeatedly to police and in court, but she convinced her two children to lie under oath as well.
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