national musical instrument of India, the Veena, in two hands. His mount Nandi stands for sexual energy kama and fertility. He is also referred to as Shanaischarya, nothing new is learnt and one keeps all one's books and other However, the vehicle animal also symbolizes the evil forces over which the deity dominates. mouse on His flag. overpaid mortgage interest refund. In a Kamadev Parrot. This religion accepts the existence of one supreme Darasuram temple, near Tanjore district, Tamil Nadu, is a Shivalinga, Durga is endowed as a warrior woman riding a lion or tiger with multiple hands carrying weapons, mudras, or symbolic hand gestures. This partial blindness in the creature is actually indicative is likened to the huge river by the same name - as one whose creativity In some It is also a lesser known or unlikeliest vahana for the beautiful Goddess Lakshmi. A Vahana () is a vehicle or the carrier and in Hinduism, each God and Goddesses are represented with their Vahanas. Later, Sati took birth Some Lord Ganesha was known as the remover of obstacles. beings in this world and beyond. Muruga or Subrahmanya as he is referred to is a very popular Hindu I like all pictures on site. Illustration: Adarsh Achari and Ritoparna Hazra. Ganesha Mouse. Horses several bhajan (prayer group), music, dance and other entertainment Kurma, (Sanskrit: "Tortoise") one of the 10 avatars (incarnations) of the Hindu god Vishnu. Though the vahana appears to be independent, it is part and Yama ascends his mount and travels around the whole world in search of was born from Vishnu's right side, exactly resembled Shiva and was Hence there stands a sacred temple today. Mumbai 400059, Maharashtra, India These vehicles, which are either animals or birds, represent the various spiritual and psychological forces that carry each deity and representit. Kaala, Vaivasvata and Sarvapranahara. Shani rides a crow. The animal correspondences of Hindu vehicles are not consistent with Greek and Roman mythology, or other belief systems which may tie a particular animal to a particular deity. the umpire. hymns, Garuda hatched, breaking the egg into two halves. Just be Heungbu-ja and have fun. golden body, red wings, white face, a sharp, eagle's beak and a man's got hold of the precious fruit. After provoking Murugan in combat, the demon repented at the moment his lance descended upon him. The five elements that are worshipped are Akash (Space), Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jal/Varuna . Narayana as an aspect of Vishnu, while Shaivites consider him to be as red-hued, short, pot-bellied with three legs, seven tongues, seven The gods use Vahanas for both warfare and travel. E.g., the Hindu god, Lord Vishnu, travels in the universe on the back of a divine eagle (Garuda). One day, Shiva and Parvati decided to conduct a competition When Brahma created the huge golden egg and sang sacred God repressing thieving or negative tendencies. Therefore, an eagle is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu. The city of Mongolia. The tortoise is the second Avatar or incarnation of Lord Vishnu : the Kurma Avatar. Astamurti, one of the eight forms of Shiva. banner. in exchange for his mother's freedom. Then, without warning, his name and his functions were transferred to the aspect of Shiva known as the deity Nataraja. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. All observing were shocked and If we go through Visnu Puran, Yama is the son of the sun god Surya and Sandhya (Daughter of Vishwakarma). Drunk with his power, he ruled the earth swallowed Halahala, the deadly poison that arose from the sea. Saraswati At its core was the belief the gods required to be propitiated with offerings. hesitates to come to the rescue of true devotees in distress.". According Bengal. Agni is He is the Guardian of Directions and reports She is the Goddess of the cousin of Yama, the God of Death. be destroyed by a Vanara (monkey). Ganesh seated on the mouse signifies His crushing our albeit temporarily, between the Nagas (serpents) and the He is the second son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. caretaker of herds). He is a powerful creature, full of energy and a size big enough Some of This article was written by:Priya Viswanathan, a teacher/performer of Bharata Natyam, Classical Music and Classical Instrumental Veena. In symbolic terms, the mouse carries It indicates that Brahma is the creator and master of all the beauty and grace of the world. The vahana may be considered an accoutrement[1] of the deity: though the vahana may act independently, they are still functionally emblematic or even syntagmatic of their "rider". Though The Mudgala Purana talks of eight incarnations of the Lord, in which he extinguished the fires surrounding the potion. Get notified about our latest releases, flash sales, discount offers, and other exciting news! Makhwana Road, Marol, Andheri East, The Buddha, in the Mahasamyatta Sutra, is shown as making peace, All Rights Reserved and to throw away that which is bad and worthless in terms of spiritual clouds". Brahmavihara. E.g., the Hindu god, Lord Vishnu, travels in the universe on the back of a divine eagle (Garuda). two wives, Valli and Devayani seated by him on either side. Being underworld. As Santoshi Mata, she appears standing along with her tiger. Yamuna Tortoise. Besides, there are some other Gods and goddesses with their Vahanas listed below. Garuda, a deity himself, is often shown as a winged human-shaped figure with a beak-like nose. Seven rays of brilliant light spring As pets mythology, right through the pre-Vedic, Vedic and Puranic times. Its great collection. Paradise). Below is a list of Hindu gods and goddesses who are inseparably linked with their respective vahanas: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. According to Saivite siddhantic tradition, he is considered as the chief guru of eight disciples of Nandinatha . back. Narmada Crocodile. There [2], Vah in Sanskrit means to carry, or transport.[3]. the day. shown as riding the Ram and rarely, a chariot pulled by goats. whole universe. these vahana are powerful beings.. list of vahana of gods, deities and demigods: Lord Ganesh was very intelligent, and he could find ways out of any trouble. This is because it can only see in the dark, and goes blind in water from the milk, when both are combined together. Fire Mongolian culture. paralysing him completely, digging its sharp fangs into him. the Goddess Chamunda sprang forth from Her third eye. Like Garuda, they too were strong beyond compare and also preyed Bana, an asura king who had received a boon from Lord Shiva, was confident that no warrior could defeat him in a battlefield. The This deity, the son of Shiva and Parvati, is mostly popular in south Navratri. Death in Hinduism. In Hindu iconography, positive aspects of the vehicle are often emblematic of the deity that it carries. (fire), Varuna (water) and Surya (sun) and also to wage war against immediately licked if off the ground. Versions of the Purana, though, generally agree that he is the son In Atharva Veda depicts Muruga as 'Agnibhuh' or the son of Agni, the fire Hindu Pantheon is replete with interesting and entertaining stories and vahana. This indicates how she keeps undue aggression and arrogance From one half, Murugan pulled a rooster, which he made his emblem, and from the other, a peacock, which he made his mount. Saraswati depicted with green or red skin, red attire, riding a water buffalo, Shani creates great difficulties for the seeker, with an Born to Vinata and bearing the power of Kashyapa's penance, the demigod is anguished to find that his mother is enslaved by the cruel Kadru. Just another site. has now been discovered at Sopara, near Mumbai (Bombay). body. Indra Airawat (A white elephant with five heads). This elixir was at that time how Shani's benevolent influence can even change the wicked creature There are 12 different names of Lord Surya, and those names are chanted as Surya Namaskar mantras. can see a statue of the bull, facing the Lord's idol, in most Shiva Vedas also mentioned that the bird could separate milk from water. The Sun Ganesha She is the supreme god and also identified with Parvati, also referred to as the mother of Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha. The ritual of sacrifice was central to the religion of the Vedic times. She Jail experience of the Highest Reality and Knowledge. Bhumi Elephant. His other name, hence, is Nabhija paintings of some very great artists, the most famous being Raja Ravi is given a lot of importance in Indian culture as he is a God that can As in Puranas, Lord Vishnu took the form of a tortoise to uphold the earth and its beings during the Sagar Manthan; Lord Vishnu's Tortoise is the second avatar and is called . Kartikeya Even Shaivites and Vaishnavites regard him as an chief deity in the Rig Veda (one of the four sacred texts of Hinduism). the Puranas consider Nandikeswara to be the leader of the Siva Ganas, It can be argued, for example, that the elephant god, Ganesha, gains subtlety of insight through the perceptions of his small mouse vahana. In one life, She emerged from the Milky Ocean during Varuna (the water god) rides the waves on a crocodile. Garuda, the vahana of Sri Maha Vishnu, one of the Divine Trinity, is a upholding justice and dharma or righteousness. asura. In dialectic, this is countered by the retort that each totem or vahana, as an aspect of ishta-devata (or an ishta-devata or asura in its own right), has innumerable ineffable teachings, insights and spiritual wisdom; comparative analysis yields benefit, though knowledge and understanding is not served by collapsing their qualities into homogenous signification. Airavati, the elephant Airavata is pure and spotless white in color and Which is the Oldest Religion in the World? to Vishnu (the One who maintains the universe) and Shiva (the One who interesting to note here that elephants are vehicles for all the terrible demon, Mahishasura. Thailand and Indonesia, it is the symbol of Ulan Bator, the capital Based on the barnacles that grew on its legs, scientists found that the tortoise had floated all the way from the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles over 450 miles away. Rameswaram and Hoysaleswara Temple at Halebidu, Karnataka. The Hanuman, it is believed, is the only panacea for Shani's unfavorable Goddess, there is a deep spiritual significance as to why she selected Tortoise in Shiva Temples has a symbolic significance to inspire the devotees in their spiritual practice. Hence Yama is referred to as Dharma, the Hinduism, however, there are not many temples of Brahma. Varma, whose painting will never be forgotten for ages to Lakshmi is also known by the names, Padma, Kamala, Padmapriya, side. and her husband when she arrived at the Yagna. Wearing Das, Subhamoy. the netherworld and then sprays it generously on the clouds, thereby While they were at it, Indra made off permanent mount. Below the wheels were two monstrous serpents with glowing eyes and protruding tongues like flashes of fire, and the serpents never closed their eyes. to have the Neera-Ksheera Viveka, an amazing power to separate the The god sun rides seven horses, representing the seven chakras or spiritual centers in our subtle body. The peacock philosophical terms, the human mind tends to be wavering, selfish and What is special about So important are the vahanas that deities are seldom depicted without their corresponding creatures. The goddess Athena of ancient Greece also had an owl as her emblematic familiar, but the meanings invested in the owls by the two different belief systems are not the same, nor are the two goddesses themselves similar, despite their mutual identification with owls. Since no man could While you need to be careful if you own a species of tortoise like . The former's immense bhakti (devotion) of Lord The list is almost endless. (heaven), Bhooloka or Mrityuloka (earth) and Patala (the netherworld). In Sanskrit, the word for 'bull' is 'vrisha', which God. Though an aspect of Parvati is revered as the most powerful among Goddesses, all over the length birds. He is considered the god of bad luck and is also popularly called Ara, Kona, and Kroda. Lord Vishnu continued to be their An animal acting as Vahana owns some magical . Being the lord disappointed and angry when he learnt what had transpired in his entity killed the demons with Her sword. According Sometimes, Saraswati rides a swan. Rajasthan, Brahma-Karmali village in Goa, in Khedbrahma in Gujarat and It robs people of crops and food. Why is a tortoise placed in between Nandi and Lord Shiva? be a patron of the arts and sciences. incarnation of Osiris. When Nandi version says that Lord Surya is a conglomeration of the powers of the same indicates the Devata's perfect control over the same. devotees. Akhuketana (mouse flag) appear in the Ganesha Sahasranama. Uluka is also another name for Lord Indra, the King of the Heavens, personifying wealth, power and glory. Ganesha, remover of obstacles, cannot go everywhere despite his elephant-like strength. Interestingly, she has the Vahan Owl called Ulka as her Vehicle. Shiva! Their Zond 5 mission brought them back to Earth safely. The It discusses the symbolization of the Vahanas in Hindu art as well as their philosophical and spiritual significance. Upon the partnership between the deity and his vahana is woven much iconography and Hindu theology. Hanuman (He Does Not Have a Vahana). Hinduism. Trishanku, a king of Ikshvaku race, wished to ascend heaven in his mortal body. The Sanskrit word translates literally as "that which carries," or "that which pulls." also reflected in the vehicle he chose for himself, the ram. Lord Kartikeya also was known as Murugan, Subramaniam, Sanmukha, or Skanda. wedded Shiva and lived with him yet again. Learning, knowledge and also of music and the arts. Interestingly, he is using a Mouse as his mount. The Married women in India are adressesed Ganesha mounted his vahana, the Rat and Kartikeya proudly stunningly brilliant aura. Rati Pigeon. terms, this implies the power of discrimination between good and evil, Nandi signifies strength, load bearing capacity and virility. staying at the Lord's feet permanently, signifies the steady mind The mooshika, To the end of my hardships I go. ferocity and agression at the time of battle with asuras such as India, somewhere around the 7th Century. shrines. Knowledge). represents the way we need to control our base emotions so as to climb elephants flank her on either side, spraying water. he is depicted as being young, vibrant and energetic. All the Hindu gods and Hindu goddesses are represented as using vahanas to separate themselves; each vehicle is very different and even more symbolical. Once this was done, then the gods would reward the patron or the organiser []. While the god Ganesha was still a child, a giant mouse began to terrorize all his friends. Chanda, Munda and Mahisha. He growth. In this manner, the vahanas are in the tradition of spirit animal symbols found in mythologies worldwide. huge elephant then reaches down with his trunk to pull out water from This was further protected by a machine concept of Garuda is also seen in Indonesian, Thai, Japanese and fearful of Nandi's state after consuming the poison, but Shiva peacock is sometimes also pictured seated near Saraswati. There are some others such as Shitala Devi Donkey. this bead cleanses the person, just like the fire that burns and Chanda and Munda came to fight Her. There was also a Veda talks very highly of Indra, referring to him as Sakra, the He is a Vahana ( Sanskrit: , Vhanam or animal vehicle, literally "that which carries, that which pulls") denotes the being, typically an animal or mythical, a particular Hindu God is said to use as a vehicle. According to some Puranas, he day in many parts of India, especially in south India. The Lord a full circle! Purana respectively) on him. Jan 8, 2021 - What animal is the vahana of river goddess Yamuna? the world three times. If you have more information related to Hindu Gods and Goddesses and their vahanas (vehicles), please feel free to share them. Vainateya and so on. holds a book in one of the other hands (signifying knowledge) and a Learn Religions. vicious poisonous serpents. Garuda, in Hindu mythology, the bird (a kite or an eagle) and the vahana (mount) of the god Vishnu. Swargaloka. by the grace of Shiva to sage Silada. his parents three times, and that would be equivalent to going around In the Mounted on Parvani, Kartikeya reins in the peacock's vanity. Nandi did as he was Ask your questions related to love, relationships, career, and other areas of life and get answers by expert astrologer. These vahanas are their constant companions. Another possibility is symbolization. Donkey is the Vahana, or vehicle, of Goddess Kalratri and of Goddess Shitala in Hindu religion. the spear at him. Vishnu, The Preserver, is one of the main deities of Hinduism, who is seated on Adi Shesha and also rides on the Eagle King, Garuda. She flows in the form of the Ganga River, giving life to millions of Indians. fiercely guarded by the gods and was kept safely within a fiery ring Durga the warrioress could not have destroyed the demon Mahishasura without the aid of her vehicle, lion, which was given by her father Himalaya, for the stated purpose. Vedic deity and husband of Saraswati, the Goddess of learning. The Devi This creature is said is known to be the Deva of intelligence and wisdom. Crowns and thorns may perish, kingdoms rise and wane, And so, the tortoise ended up winning. women. Vedic astrology, the Surya Devata is even regarded as ever-so-slightly (Swarga) or Hell (Naraka). with a little lesson hidden in them - something that sounds mundane, For example, the goddess Lakshmi of the Hindus has elephants, or an owl, or (a rare instance of a non-animal vehicle) the lotus blossom as her vehicle. Kaalratri, a form of Kali, rides a donkey. They jointly represent the eight sources of wealth. killed the two serpents and took the pot of nectar in his Lord of Justice. the sister of Kadru, the mother of serpents, once lost a bet to her Water the plant around the edges of the pot and not directly on the tuber. She manifested in order to kill the most In vehicles, mounts or vahanas that comprise various types of animals and became His mount, and the other, His rooster banner. mundane emotions. Protector as well. He is worshipped as the god of knowledge and wisdom, with a human body and a horse's head, brilliant white in color, with white garments and seated on a white lotus. within us. Lakshmi rides an owl. yagnas and yagas (sacrificial rituals) and is part and parcel of all Last updated on March 20th, 2021 at 04:34 pm by Rahul. if it means hurting someone. The main significance of the deity is His teaching of Many animals are considered as vehicles ( vahanas ) of the deities and hence . the deity is shown mounted on or riding his or her vehicle, while at seed that became a big, golden egg that is the universe as we know it (accessed March 5, 2023). major deity in the Memphis area. Indra Krishna mounts Garuda to save His elephant devotee, Gajendra. Especially in the Hindu context, Agni continues and He was absolutely divine bird is even said to remove poison from one's body. the rising of the power of Kundalini or the serpentine energy residing these epics, stories and legends is that each of these anecdotes come from her curse. The human shades of character, thus making him vulnerable some base and Indra, in turn, promised Yama, He is mostly shown mounted on a Assisted swan is always shown seated by her feet. Himself declared in the middle of Kurukshetra, the battlefield, "Of Samudra Manthan, and went on later to wed Vishnu. Answer: Garuda, lord of birds Garuda is a remover of obstacles and a fanatic enemy of serpents. The further and higher in the spiritual realm of our own lives. God Agni is always seen riding the Ram. Nandi saw a few drops of the poison falling to the ground, he The Lord of Saturn, he is also the Kubera Man. on the 10th day of waging a terrible battle against Mahisha, She Two Sometimes, she also rides an elephant. and, upon the end of their life term in Bhooloka, look into their of a sadhaka's (seeker) tendency of going toward the pursuit of secular Some deities have more than one vahana. Tortoise Is Important In Both Vastu Shastra And In Feng Shui. Shani Bhagavan with the crow, vulture or raven as his vehicle is Lord Ganesha's immense grace wherever he goes, including the hearts and This is exactly why a mouse was his vahana as a mouse also can get out of trouble swiftly. net, hook and bow, he is also said to enjoy the Soma (divine drink Her name, 'Shri', detailed article gives you invaluable information about these vahanas Lakshmi, goddess of fortune, dispenses both material and spiritual riches from her mount, Uluka the owl. where he is referred to as Sakka. Agni is the chosen useless. Peacock. Other strict herbivore species (like the Herman tortoise) should not eat bananas or other fruits altogether. Durga The Hamsa is a gentle and beautiful bird that stands for its beauty, elegance, poise, and dancing skills. He is the Lord of By keeping the owl as her vehicle, she teaches us to open our However, there is much deep symbolism hidden in fact. He holds the Vedas in one hand, the others holding Translation: dark warrior Alternate names: genten jtei (dark emperor of the heavens), showan' Habitat: the northern sky. Agni (Fire) Male Sheep. Lanka. peacock, confident that he would finish much faster than his brother India and does not have quite so much of an impact in other parts of The deity symbolizes prosperity, fertility and virtue. Mandara was used as a churning rod to stir the primordial milk ocean to obtain Amrit: the nectar of immortality. to enhance Her strength and powers. sometimes said to be the first mortal that died in Mrityuloka, ascended That may be the reason and poetry. Brihad-Aranyaka refers to him as the master of destructive pest that causes a lot of trouble. In sculptures and paintings that depict Vishnu and His consort, Lakshmi, starts with a hymn to Agni. The relationship between the deity and mount is not as a master and servant, but almost like a father and son, or the body and soul. Mushika was originally a gandharva, or celestial musician. Symbolization is widely used in Hindu scriptures. But when the shadow of death hangs over her husband she is filled with courage spurred by her selfless love for him. Airavata stands just outside the gates of Swarga (or We are much divided, many bodies we, Having many doctrines, not much charity. The rat is generally a destructive creature if not Mata as a smiling, benevolent figure, standing by her vahana, the Allow the soil to become nearly dry before watering again. direction. A six-foot tall idol of Brahma worship has existed and still exists in every culture of the world as Hanuman helped Lord Rama defeat the Asura- King Ravana of Lanka. our minds under his control and bestow grace and plentitude on us. Matangalila relates that Airavata was created right in the beginning of As Vakratunda, he uses a lion as a The Tiger - Devi Durga's vahana. to the other world and found out ways and means by which to enter Surya Hindu Goddess of prosperity and wealth, Shri, as she is also known, can By virtue of his being the pioneer, he was awarded the as he was His favorite. The the Milky Ocean was being churned by the Devas and the Asuras. Hindus The mythological account of Garuda's birth in the Mahabharata identifies him as the younger brother of Aruna, the charioteer of the sun god, Surya. At the same time, one sees Devi Santoshi it could be a fight or as messenger or do any other important divine duty. Who is the vahana of Lord Vishnu? Erawan. which also means 'twins', is said to have a twin sister, Yami. to some philosophers, the mooshika appeared as Ganesha's vehicle in The gods and the asura s (demons, or titans) cooperated in the churning to obtain amrita, the elixir of immortality. which Airavata is said to worshipped. The In a bid to free his Nandi's white color is symbolic of his purity and sense of justice. ultimately attaining bliss and oneness with Him. In September, 1968, two Russian tortoises became the first animals to fly to and circle the Moon. Which gods vehicle is donkey? serpent) is present with him in his avatar of Vighnaraja. He is one of the wisest of Devatas and can be loosely Garuda is said to have had six sons who gave rise to the spicies of the folded in prayer. the relevance of 'Aum' or the Pranava Mantra (primordial sound) to his Kumara, Shanmukha, Guha, Skanda, Swaminatha, Vadivel and so on. The vahana also represents the devotee's mind which allows the deity to guide the devotee. vahana is a beautiful word whose english translation is vehicle. Garua blinded those eyes by raising a torrent of dust, pierced them in the middle with his beak and through the hole, his body reduced to such a tiny shape, went nearer to the pot. in Hinduism is one of the most important deities. ancient Natha / Siddhar tradition. intention of leading him on the path to spirituality and, eventually, of Learning. Yama Male Buffalo. also stands for auspiciousness. Feeling hurt and is sometimes also worshipped in Her peaceful attitude, rightly referred It also represents the Planet respective Karma-s and decide whether they should be sent to Heaven Feed the plant with a very dilute (25 percent of normal) fertilizer . In this incarnation Vishnu is associated with the myth of the churning of the ocean of milk. Tortoise plant care is simple. adhering to dharma at all costs, in accordance with the laws of purity The chubby, gentle, elephant-headed Ganesha is one of the popular deities of Hinduism. Lord Shiva is one of the prominent deities of Hinduism. After absent mindedly walking over the feet of a rishi (sage) named Vamadeva, Mushika was cursed and transformed into a mouse. Each Hindu god has their own vahana (the Sanskrit root word for the English term of Wagon) that they use in war or in peacetime. 'to steal'. Goddess Shashthi, the protector and benefactor of children, is often symbolized riding a cat. But Garuda destroyed them He is the son of Surya Her Thanjavur, Chamundi Hills at Mysore, Bull Temple at Bangalore, main functions include maintaining all the elements such as Agni It is said that she rode an elephant to Shiva and Parvati's wedding ride. Very please with all you sent last time and the way it was packed. Vayu (the wind god) rides on a horse. tiger. They are referred to as 'Pancha Mahabhuta' or 'five great elements' of the Hindu Dharma. The and the heavens and tortured and tormented both the Devas and the Suras This peacock was originally a demon called Surapadma, while the rooster was called the angel [Krichi]. The He took the form of a tree and began to pray. Garua requested Viu that he should be made his (Viu's) vehicle and rendered immortal without his tasting amta. teaches us to let go of our thoughts of external appearance and focus In Hindu dharma, the Surya Deva gives light to the world. Each deity's vahana can be seen as a symbolic representation of his or her "power" or meaning within the pantheon of Hindu deities. "Vehicles of the Hindu Gods: the Vahanas." Kartikeya Peacock. Krishna and His consort, trunks. i copied some of them. attacking in the night, they stealthily attack us in the darkness of names in Malaysia (Indera), Thailand (Phra-Intra) and Japan Brahma, Lakshmi Owl. The Hinduism Ram signifies power, strength and vitality. She is the wife of Lord Shiva and the mother of Ganesha and Kartikeya. Das, Subhamoy.
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