What does this reveal about Holden? Another detail is that the hats color, red is the same color as Allies and Phoebes hair. Pinned, Holden continues to insult Stradlater, accusing him of thinking he can have sex with anyone he wants. The characters in J.D. Discount, Discount Code Accessed 4 Mar. Describe Holden's relationship with Jane Gallagher in The Catcher in the Rye. So this book supposed a big phenomenon of sales during Fifties and Sixties; but today, in the XXI century, catch more supporters and it is still editing, there are a lot of editions in different languages. Afterward, he smokes a cigarette in the room . Finally, Holden senses sometimes that the words he is using are not quite right, that language fails him: "I don't exactly know what I mean by that," he says at one point, "but I mean it." PDF Applied Practice Catcher In The Rye Answers Phoniness, for Holden, stands as an emblem of everything that's wrong in the world around him and provides an excuse for him to withdraw into his cynical isolation. The museum represents the world Holden wishes he could live in, a world where everything is simple, understandable, and indefinite. It took the standards of The New Yorker editors, among them William Shawn, to refine his writing into the "spare, teasingly mysterious, withheld" qualities of "A Perfect Day for Banana fish", The Catcher in the Rye, and his stories of the early 1950s. It should be discussed cases of linguistic inconsistency in the Romanian version, such as the rendition of intonational stress. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. The first is reprented by theoretical information where the literature of the Modern Age and the activity of one of the main representative of this period is analysed. One of the fist stylistic devices that were used by the author in his novel The Cather in the Ray is characters speech. or signs to have multiple meanings or a large semantic field. Not so. Normally, the conflict becomes the base of the unhapppiness, but many of the Salingers characters, loneliness or isolation is the better way for seach happiness. Give her to me boy it was used for pointing out to the reader that Stradler with whom Holden discuss was a person that didnt pay attention to the persons beauty. From History to Procedures, Zainurrahman 2009; Breit, Harvey. He followed Catcher with a short story collection, Nine Stories (1953), a collection of a novella and a short story, Franny and Zooey (1961), and a collection of two novellas, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963). Their mysterious perseverance in the face of an inhospitable environment resonates with Holden's understanding of his own situation. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. Holden is upset with the show more content Holden writes an essay for his friend Stradlater for school .Holden writes a composition about Allies glove and the writings on Allie's mitt . You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. They have the same attitude towards other people and they think the same way, too. There is another kind of stylistic transformation actualization which involves transition of something simple into something unusual, strange. Stylistic device that was used in the novel The Cather in the Ray written by J. D. Salinger is peculiar use of set expression which was used in the form of quotations the quotation could be easily identify in some chapters of the novel. All mentioned above features about translation difficulties single out that it can be concluded: there are three main types of translation difficulties: grammatical, lexical and stylistical difficulties in translation. The Catcher In The Rye Essay Throughout the book, The Catcher In the Rye, the theme that I saw reoccurring in the novel was the painfulness of growing up. Phoniness, which is probably the most famous phrase from The Catcher in the Rye, is one of Holden's favorite concepts. you to an academic expert within 3 minutes. Holden is a 16-year-old boy who is struggling with the aftermath of his younger brother's death. . This book has had a huge impact on teenagers all over the world. He is frightened because he is guilty of the sins he criticizes in others, and because he can't understand everything around him. It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. The general impression is that the Romanian translation is direct, it does not use so many euphemisms, it has more gains, its language is more modern, closer to the contemporary teenage colloquial speech, and more colorful. why does holden write the composition for stradlater . burlesque examples in catcher in the rye - nautilusva.com A major theme and also strong influence concerns the war and the army life present throughout his short stories, especially during and after his participation in the Second World War. equivalence of form and shape. What does Holden write Stradlater's composition about why is the object he writes about important to him what eventually happens to the essay Why? Alex Gross,The Theories of Translation. (Salinger 201). It is a memorable moment, because Holden clearly lacks such willingness in other aspects of his life. 125, No. What other character Why did Holden decide to write Stradlater's composition for him in The Catcher in the Rye? Without a doubt, J.D. All three of these symbols have great significance in this book. There are two cases in which an idiom can be easily misinterpreted if one is not already familiar with it: Apart from being alert to the way speakers and writers manipulate certain features of idioms and to the possible confusion which could arise from similarities in form between source and target expressions, a translator must also consider the collocational environment which surrounds any expression whose meaning is not readily accessible. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Nobodyd move. The interaction of different types of lexical meaning: J. D. Salingers The Cather in the Ray is full of stylistic device that made authors style more clear and sometimes more interesting. The writings of the Salinger become very important for this time period, because he goes against the grain of society to show how it is wrong. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1994; Stern, James. In this research the researcher tries to highlight the problems of the translators hesitation of translating the third-person pronoun, which the gender is not obvious, from Romanian to English. Does Holden Call Stradlater Phony? - On Secret Hunt Other metaphors are occasionally constructed in individual speech. Such idioms lend themselves easily to manipulation by speakers and writers who will sometimes play on both their literal and idiomatic meanings. The point the authors trying to make is the pond itself becomes a minor metaphor for the world as Holden sees it, because it is partly frozen and partly not frozen. The main difficulties involved in translating idioms and fixed expressions may be summarized as follows: Like single words, idioms and fixed expressions may be culture-specific. ?>. Ccrowther Jonathan and Cavanagh Katchryn, Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University Press 2003; Printice Hall Literature American Experience, Second Edition, Printice Hall Edgewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Needham Massachusetts 1991; Crystal, David, The English Language. In fact his main goal is to resist maturing. From this type of the translation difficulties used in this novel point out one of the main feature of authors style which is that the message of the novel could be better reproduse and easily understand by the reader. This is not possible. The Romanian version always uses euphemisms and euphemistic formulations when translating SL colloquial expressions (mainly explained by the social, political and cultural constraints from the period of its publication), while the second version uses (almost all the time) the same informal, at times vulgar, linguistic register as the ST, managing at the same time to capture the nuances and subtleties of the original. They are eulogistic and ephemeral unless they become language metaphors by being diffused through popular speech and, later, the media. Lexical peculiarities - are the techniques, methods, elements used by the author that are characteristic for the Modernist Period; Translation difficulties are the problem that appear during the process of translation from the cause that the author uses different meaning of the words and some types of translation difficulties that are specific for such process. Holden can think about and judge the Eskimo in the display case, but the Eskimo will never judge him back. The whole arrangements designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. Learn which of the following circumstances usually comes before a period of economic contraction? The interjection that was used by the author is Ohwell (J. D. Salinger:7)The interjection used by the author Oh it is possible to express various feelings such as regret, despair, disappointment sorrow, surprise and many others but especially this the author point out to the reader Old Spenser hesitation for giving a clear and interesting answer to Holdens question. Creative solutions to translation problems; Transfer and re-wording (use of translation procedures); Assessment of the result and post-edition; One difficulty in translation stems from the fact that most words have multiple meanings. It was tried to achieve this aim by centering on the case study of comparing and analyzing in detail the differences and similarities, the gains and the losses that have occurred both in the English and in the Romanian versions. The works of Salinger show the quest for happiness through religion, loneliness, and symbolism. The Catcher in the Rye is a work written by J. D. Salinger that from different points of view combine some types of translation difficulties. Holden has issues with sex and manhood, and both are issues when he learns that Stradlater and Jane are going on a date. The Modernist period is a time of the late XIXth and XXth centuries that was marked by the work of the great writer that activated during this period. The semantics of a word reflects different signs of the subject and the relation of its meanings to other objects it denotes. The semantics of a word includes word perception characteristic to the studied language, being more precise to the bearers of the studied language. The mitt is representive of all these things. The museum represents the world Holden wishes he could live in: it's the world of his catcher in the rye fantasy, a world where nothing ever changes, where everything is simple, understandable, and infinite. . Polyseme in the same time is the capacity for a sign (e.g., a word, phrase, etc.) At this point in the novel, Holden's sense of disadvantage and corresponding bitterness seem somewhat strange, given his circumstances: he's clearly a bright boy from a privileged New York family. The psychological battles of the novel's main character, Holden Caulfield, serve as the basis for critical argument. Some topics of The Catcher in the Rye were taboos (like drugs, sex or prostitution). 3, 16 July 1951, 20-1. Allie's glove, with the green writing on it, is symbolic of isolation. But it is necessary to convey some very specific details from the original socio-cultural reality in order to remind the target audience that the source text is written in another culture. Holden's loneliness, a more concrete manifestation of his alienation problem, is a driving force throughout the book. I live in New York, and I was thinking about the lagoon in Central Park, down near Central Park South. Then if he does it, he does it his way. D Salinger. As his thoughts about the Museum of Natural History demonstrate, Holden fears change and is overwhelmed by complexity. . Salinger a very controversial writer, for the subject matters that he writes. of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. "The Catcher in the Rye" is supposedly being written in the first person by a sixteen-year-old boy. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Mr. Antolini's quotation, from a psychoanalyst named Wilhelm Stekel, mean? Using our knowledge of collocational patterns may not always tell us what an idiom means but it could easily help us in many cases to recognize an idiom, particularly one which has a literal as well as a non-literal meaning. Holdens jargon is very important, because it emphasizes how this teenager was, how he talked We can see that Salinger has the tendency to use the second person pronoun you and the irony Its easy to see Holdens thoughts: the author reproduces the teenagers mind quite well. The Catcher in the Rye and My Name is Asher Lev voice how society is a song, each member having his own verse. Why Does Holden Agree With Gradlater - 476 Words | Bartleby The author of this work is a writer that succeeded to combine all elements that represent this period in his work. D .Salinger: 11) in order to point out the thoughts of another characters about Holden for pointing out that Holden wasnt a good character for another characters. Scholars An important conclusion is that the law of compensation always functions in a translation, as also in the case of the discussed versions of Salingers novel. The topic of the composition is to describe a room or a house; however, describing something meaningful only leads to . In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Holden mean when he says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. The problem is to find a translating expression. Separation of meanings and senses from the context, Despairing individual behaviors in the face of an unmanageable future, Objection of the traditional thoughts and the traditional moralities. Afterward, he smokes a cigarette in the room just to annoy Stradlater. Absence of some corresponding word or lexical-semantic variant in both languages is also one of the reasons of applying additional words in translation. Ill just tell you about this madman stuff that happened to me around last Christmas before I got pretty run-down and had to come out here and take it easy. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. The stylistic changes are as necessary as grammatical or lexical ones. So they gave up looking.. Arguments and explanations largely resemble each other inrhetoricaluse. The modern world's general moral change and the individual's alienation from the society serve. Unless the target-language idiom corresponds to the source-language idiom both in form and in meaning, the play on idiom cannot be successfully reproduced in the target text. Stuff is a collection of junk or a group of items or matter. In New Zealand there was a book called Pounamu Pounamu by Witi Ihimaera. First, they dont contain all phraseologisms, then because every day new ones are formed, and lastly because dictionaries have a limited length and cannot contain all. And finally, it can be said that Salinger didnt assume the fame as well as other authors and hes actually out of the literary world. It is a comparison of two objects when the linkage is made explicit, like drumming like a noise in dreams. This difference of word combinability in various languages is very important; therefore some types of combinability are easily accepted in one of language and are completely unacceptable in other languages. The success of The Catcher in the Rye led to public attention and scrutiny: Salinger became reclusive, publishing new work less frequently. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Mr. Antolini's quotation, from a psychoanalyst named Wilhelm Stekel, mean? In The Catcher in the Rye, how does Holden describe his mother? 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Holden Caulfield. I need at least one quote for support. (Chapter 7, pg. He is also mad because he knows that it is impossible to keep from kids getting their innocence taken away. Does Holden hate Stradlater? Grammatical transformations are characterized by various principles grammatical and lexical as well, though the principal role is given to grammatical ones. The semantic structure of a word predefines the possibility of its contextual use, and the translation of contextual meaning presents a hard task to translators. One of those little English jobs that can do around hundred miles an hour. Holden hates it when people like Stradlater try to pretend the only reason they're bad at English essays is commas, when really they're just not good at, you know, English. He wrote about Allie'e baseball mitt. What does Stradlater ask Holden to write for him? Of all the places in the novel where Holden discusses his hat, the most famous and recognizable symbol in the book, this is probably the most enlightening. When he actually gets to the museum, he decides not to go in; that would require disturbing his fragile imaginative construction by making it encounter the real world. Mr. Antolini's words here resonate with the desires Holden has just expressed to Phoebe: like the catcher in the rye that Holden envisions, Mr. Antolini is trying to catch Holden in the midst of a fall. But the fall Mr. Antolini describes is very different from the one Holden had imagined. Catcher in the Rye - GCSE English - Marked by Teachers.com Concerning the translation of comparison as a stylistic device, the difficulties arise only if the words of English and other languages are various in the semantic structure. He replied, "Jean Gallagher.". Its impossible. They can be nouns, adjectives and verbs. "Rather than writing a description of a room or a house, Holden writes a description of his younger brother Allies baseball glove. I didnt mind the idea so much, but I didnt feel like being lectured (J.D.Salinger:14)through this stylistic device the author wanted to point out to the reader that Holden wasnt a boy who like to read a lot of and showed the he didnt like to study. answer choices He had been expelled because he failed four of five subjects. None of their constituents may be substituted with words of similar meaning. Taking into account the total context, including the intended audience and important details such as regionalisms. He likes it when things are very simple and easily understandable. Holden's jargon is consistent and very enlightening. Some idioms are 'misleading'; they seem transparent because they offer a reasonable literal interpretation and their idiomatic meanings are not necessarily signalled in the surrounding text. Chapter 5-9 - Chapter 5-9 1. About what did Holden write It is significant that in the final sentence Holden uses the second-person pronoun you instead of the first-person me. It seems to be an attempt to distance him from the inevitable process of change. I knew I wouldnt meet anyone that knew me, and it was pretty damp out. This twofold approach, social and cultural, can help better understand the whole context in which Salinger produced his literary masterpiece, which in turn can greatly help in understanding the reception of the novel in the two cultures and its status in contemporary society. He stands up for Harley and Maddi and against protagonists like Nathan throughout the novel. The conclusion is that there have been some similarities between Salingers private life and some of the events in his works, but not enough to entitle anyone to think that his fiction is autobiographical. ; Young goats, their meat, or leather made from their hides. This is why you remain in the best website to see the incredible book to have. Home from his date, Stradlater barges into the room. The glove was covered with poems which Allie had written on it so he could read them when he became bored in the outfield. False friends could be called inter-language synonyms, homonyms and paronyms. Idiom more than any other feature of language demands that the translator be not only accurate but highly sensitive to the rhetorical nuances of the language. In 1961, the critic Alfred Kazin explained that Salinger's choice of teenagers as a subject matter was one reason for his appeal to young readers, but another was "a consciousness among youths that he speaks for them and virtually to them, in a language that is peculiarly honest and their own, with a vision of things that capture their most secret judgments of the world." Holden dated her until her father made them stop seeing each other. Latest answer posted March 19, 2020 at 11:46:52 PM. assignments. Through the use of lucky symbols their life is changed to what will make them happy. Our search for who we are is fuelled by our innate desire to achieve a sense of acceptance and belonging. The most important revelation in these chapters comes about when Holden writes the composition for Stradlater, divulging that his brother Allie died of leukemia several years before. Ackley's room One should adopt a very cautious attitude toward these words or expressions so as to avoid interference and/or language misuse. [14] Why is Holden obsessed with the ducks at the Central Park Lagoon? This novel revolutionised the society of the Fifties; as well as the style of J.D. And it is quite natural that this matter covers a wide range of examples. These two criterias identify the needs for a good knowledges in English in some of its branches of science. Salinger uses symbolism from other books in his books to convey how the characters in his works will change for a better life. The conclusion was that the main reasons behind his retirement from the public world refer to his great disappointment with the disturbing elements brought along by success and his desire to find a peaceful existence, most likely as a result of the Second World War experiences and, later on, of the strong influences of Zen philosophy. Holden has to be in the mood to do anything. your own essay or use it as a source, but you need We can see that it were negative comments, hard criticsMany critics told that there wasnt any novel that went into the adolescence as this Salingers work. Such statements may help us understand why the person committed the crime, however an uncritical listener may believe the speaker is trying to gain sympathy for the person and his or her actions. He shows that these symbols will change their lives for the better. for a group? Latest answer posted April 29, 2021 at 3:04:20 PM. The term translators false friends (les faux amis) was introduced by the French theorists of translation M. Koessler and J. Derocquigny in 1928. When studying the reality of some object can be identify that its name reveals its functions which finds the reflection in the semantics of the word. Why wouldn't Holden be back to Pencey after Christmas vacation? Latest answer posted April 29, 2021 at 3:04:20 PM. The author used in his novel the comparison to show to the reader the variety and difference in Holdens thoughts. There are three types of stylistic devices which were used by the author in The catcher in the Ray: Dictionary and contextual (Metaphors, metonymy, irony etc. Quotation). As a result, he has isolated himself and fears intimacy. Why does Holden hate Ackley? Stradlater Character Analysis in The Catcher in the Rye | SparkNotes Why did Holden do what he did to his composition? Slang- is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's dialect or language. And sometimes some mistakes (losses), as well as some gains, are more visible by comparing two or more translations of the same ST. Ionescus translation may have been considered too far-fetched and direct, but this can be explained as the translators desire to make the main character more authentic and closer to the typical Romanian teenager. Intralinguistic transfer can also be illustrated by stylistic differentiation. . He wants life to remain frozen like the display cases in the museum. I have also tried to briefly present the reception of the novel, the translations and solutions offered to the problems raised by Salingers use of colloquial language in other countries. The following problem which demands careful consideration in lexical transformations of translation is problem of word combinability. He lets the reader know how the character feels at that time and his or her thoughts.
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