economic reforms under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. Explain the rationales for and consequences of imperialism on Asia, Africa, and the Americas, such as colonization and the exploitation of natural resources and peoples; summarize various efforts to resist imperialism. The person using it would line up the horizon with the bottom of the device and then sight Polaris using the other end. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Haiti Port-au-Prince is the capital of what country? C. creation and dismantling of South Africas apartheid system, including the influence of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. 33 of History Alive! Each ship weighed between 50 and 200 tons apiece and was pretty cheap to build even in their day. One of the negative effects of the cultural diffusion Latin America experienced during the age of European exploration of the New World included answer choices an expansion of the slave trade an increased number of dangerous storms the introduction of cattle ranching the destruction of the tropical rainforests Question 9 300 seconds Q. An expansion of the slave trade. Compare how scientific theories and technological discoveries brought about social and cultural changes, including those made by. Another very important technological innovation of the age was the traverse board. In many ways, the Age of Exploration was the beginning of todays global 9 Greatest Technological Innovations That Triggered the Age of Exploration - Cultural Diffusion - new ideas, new inventions, mixing of cultures leading to unique ideas and products. The Age of Exploration can be a difficult era to teach. Without any of these great technological innovations ever being developed, the momentous events of the Age of Exploration may never have occurred. This relatively simple device helped ships, like Caravals, stay on track on long voyages. What country led exploration in the early 1400s? What did merchants trade during the Age of Exploration? Analyze responses by world governments concerning the rise and impact of international terrorism. So when explorers such as Columbus or Ponce de Len or John Cabot claimed land in the name of a king, they were also claiming that land for God, with the intention of bringing their national religion to that region. The crusading era ended in 1291. Thus, consequences of globalization have vast homogenization or standardization is more arguments and views among the thinkers, relevant to westernization where cultural scholars, and heads of the states. in History and a M.Ed. The United States placed a ban on the importing of African slaves in 1808, but the practice of slavery remained legal until the 13th Amendment was passed in 1865. One of the negative effects of the cultural diffusion Latin America experienced during the age of European exploration of the New World included-. WH.5 The student will evaluate post World War II regional events leading to the transformations of the modern world (1945-1990 CE). They also contributed to Cultural Diffusion and Cultural Appropriation. WH.1.3 Compare the contributions of Greek and Roman philosophers, including Plato, Aristotle and Cicero including their impact on Western society. This website helped me pass! Here are some examples of how Create an account to start this course today. Xavier traveled all over the Far East converting thousands. during the early years of the Age of Exploration C. England, France, & the Netherlands became involved in overseas exploration & colonization as well 1. African slaves brought with them a unique African culture to the Americas. It Cultural diffusion is the process by which cultures influence each other to change. June 9, 2022. Europeans had a limited impact on these countries during this period. The horse became a staple of American culture, and served as a primary means of transportation into the 20th century. The tomato and tobacco are crops native to the Americas. The Age of Exploration took place between the 15th to 18th centuries and was characterized by European exploration and settlement of the New World, Africa, and Asia. millions of enslaved Africans who were taken to the Americas. had relatively little impact on other continents. By the 1600s, the Portuguese were growing Were Indians involved in the Age of Exploration period? Europeans also Age of exploration ppt - SlideShare The European colonists who. rise and fall of Mesoamerican civilizations. Because they termed these original centres Kulturkreise, (or "cultural clusters"), they were also known as the. The Age of Exploration (Lesson) - Curriculum Cultural Diffusion | Diseases brought by Europeans include smallpox, chickenpox, influenza, and many others. lives of other Africans. Also known as a sounding line, it consisted of heavy lead weight on a length of rope, this very simple device was used to take depth recordings of the ocean floor. The Ka-Mal, or kamal, is yet another important technological innovation that helped kick off the Age of Discovery. The Jesuits were a male group devoted to serving Jesus Christ through acts of chastity, piety, and the denial of excess. Cultural diffusion is the contagious cycle of beliefs, practices, cultures, and ideas spreading from location to location. Some of the negative effects of the Age of Exploration were the huge death tolls suffered by Native American populations as a result of wars and transplanted European diseases, the destruction of pre-existing New World civilizations and the establishment of the Atlantic Slave Trade. WH.5.7 Compare multiple perspectives to examine the religious, ethnic, and political origins, as well as the lasting impact of modern genocide and conflicts including, A.actions of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Trans-cultural diffusion. Add an answer. scientific books. Industrial Age Dbq - 703 Words | 123 Help Me Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Cultural Diffusion in Europe by jenna batchelder - Prezi The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison Understanding (un)willingness to coordinate with others, to compromise when faced with different choices, or to apologize for transgressions is crucial as these behaviors can act as strong facilitators or inhibitors of important interpersonal processes such as . When people meet, they often exchange something. Europe They brought their religion (which was some form of Christianity, depending on the colonists) with them, practiced it, and made converts among various native people groups. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. As a result, the population surged. It particularly thrived in the Mediterranean climate. How did world history change by the end of the 1450-1750 periodization? It could also be used, with modification, to take samples from the seabed. were introduced to maize (a type of corn), potatoes and sweet potatoes, beans Plants and crops from the Americas What prompted European exploration during the Age of Discovery? Unit 3 Review Latin America | Geography Quiz - Quizizz All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Who was Cortez in the Age of Exploration? Who were some of the most famous explorers of the Renaissance? Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Maritime Empires, Cultural Diffusion and Trade Expansion When we talk about biological exchange here we're talking about actual biological products: things like food, plants, animals, even diseases. Trade & cultural diffusion during the Renaissance introduced new navigation techniques to Europeans Magnetic compass made sailing more accurate Astrolabe used stars to show direction Maps were more accurate and used longitude & latitude The European Renaissance led to massive social and cultural changes across Europe. West Africa Activities Resource Bundle - Gold And Salt Trade Traditions Portuguese. French colonization of the New World involved the spreading of both Protestantism and Catholicism. In the next column, briefly indicate the Europe, Africa, and Asia The rich soil of the Americas and the abundance of crops to be harvested led to the importation of slaves to do the work. The Baigetuobie cemetery: New discovery and human genetic features of cultural diffusion during the age of exploration WH.2.4 Explain how slavery and the slave trade was used for the development and growth of colonial economies. This great pan-European venture was rooted in the development of new technologies and ideas that grew out of the Renaissance. How old is Australian Indigenous culture? Europeans also brought African slaves, who eventually developed their own distinct culture, incorporating aspects of African culture. Analyze how the Industrial Revolution gave rise to socialism and communism, including ideas and influence of Karl Marx. WH.6.1 Describe the ongoing impact of interdependence on the worlds economies resulting in the creation and growth of multinational organizations, international trade agreements, and the challenges faced by the global economy. Where did the Dutch explore during the Age of Exploration? Analyze the immediate and long-term global consequences of the Treaty of Versailles. Where did American Colonization Society start? The Americas Spain, in particular, grew wealthy from New World gold. Thought to have developed sometime in the 12th-century, the pintle-and-gudgeonstern-mounted rudderswere another major pre-requisite technology for the Age of Exploration. Ever the "one-size-fits-all" of the seas, galleons could be readily modified for different duties depending on needs. one chief over another in the hope of getting slaves. What diseases were transferred during the Age of Exploration? Based on archaeological evidence, this process is thought to date back to at least the early Bronze Age, although details about timings and routes remain unclear. In time, Christian beliefs mixed with native African religion to form a mystical blend that was practiced by many Africans who found themselves enslaved in the New World. Middle East. As mechanical clocks became more widespread towards the end of the middle ages, they would be used on many ships during the Age of Discovery. The destruction of the tropical rain forests. Wild horses soon roamed the Americas, and Native American groups proved themselves highly skilled at riding them. people got new ideas from others and adopted them into their own society. The Atlantic World trade routes served as a path for Europeans to advance ahead of many other civilizations, playing out later as what made many of those civilizations take devastating defeats. Now you can find what you're looking for wherever it lives. Cortes and Columbus Views on the Indigenous People During the Age of Exploration, Christopher Columbus and Hernando Cortes are two of the most recorded encounters of Native Americans. The full text was later used during spring 1978 courses given by Ivan Sutherland at Caltech, by Robert Sproull at Carnegie Mellon University, and by Fred Rosenberger at Washington University in St . Where have excavations taken place in connection with the Vedic Age? What was Cambodia like before the Age of Exploration? In Asia, contact with Europeans led to the The Spanish were zealous missionaries for the Catholic faith, and worked hard to spread it throughout Central and South America, and even parts of North America like Florida and the Southwest. Each identity status represents a particular configuration of youth's progress with regard to identity exploration and commitment to the values, beliefs, and goals that contribute to identity. eatable root) provided new foods to West Africa. The Age of Exploration began with the Portuguese attempt during the 14th and 15th centuries to discover a sea route to the Far East, mainly India and China. manufacturing industries and trade. cultural diffusion during the age of explorationwhat is a rusty spaniard drink. enlightened monarchs such as Catherine the Great and Frederick the Great. Similarities Between Columbus And Cortes - 514 Words | Bartleby The Age of Discovery was a pretty remarkable period of time. enormous impact. Analyze the impact of the Enlightenment on modern government and economic institutions, including the theories of Hobbes, Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Adam Smith. Using the latest scientific and technological innovations, these pioneers would rely on some very important pieces of kit. If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. The Age of Exploration Questions and Answers - It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on They brought wheat, which was originally from the Cattle took over native Not only were they used to help keep things in order on deck, but they were also vital for calculating the speed at which a ship was traveling at a given moment. The study of cultural diffusion was pioneered by anthropologists who sought to understand how it was that the same or similar cultural elements could be present in numerous societies around the world long before the advent of communication tools. Their hulls had large amounts of ribbing and bracing, making them ideal for withstanding all but the most powerful of enemy ships. How did Hernan Cortes impact the Age of Exploration? This reading would provide an estimate of the angular altitude of the star, and by extension, the vessel's latitude. after rice and wheat. development of Mayan religion. This relatively diminutive sailing vessel found many uses during the Age of Exploration. Protestant Christianity spread throughout the Eastern and Northern parts of North America, due to English settlers like the Pilgrims. The exchanges that began during this period affected the way people lived on every continent.