Anyway, I think you hit the nail on the head when you explained why Layne did what he did. HML from what I understand, Layne spent a lot of time in the slumped forward position while he was nodding when heroin users experience their rush and then get sleepy they sortof nod off and then wake up and then nod again He used for so long and slumped forward a long time and that affected his posture and height. Risk factors include intravenous drug use). I know youve lost several, so hard to take, but your only daughter was trying to teach unconditional love for everyone. :)), Thanks for this site and sharing so much about your friends. Did you hear this new record by this band? And I loved itI thought it was so cute. Addiction can change a persons priorities and also put huge dent in their moral compass even having children isnt enough for some addicts.. the one love that people cherish the most in their lives. Surgeries on her. She had three younger half-brothers from her mothers side, Devin Remme, and Derek and David Murphy; and a younger half sister from her biological fathers side, Christa Dougherty. May God Bless you. It took me a long time to figure out what to write here, but I felt compelled to say something. Thank you Kat, I try to be friendly and just treat everyone like I would expect to be treated so its always nice to hear. thanks admin|. Layne dated pornstar Tera Patrick in the 90s (she said so in her biography, she was 17 and worked as a model at the time) and also Simone Starr Farrow, the australian model (and then drug dealer). She had been in and out of the hospital a lot, and I am sure her mother did everything she could to help her. Barbara you are right on that they suffered from a fatal disease- and also right that drugs arent worth dabbling in. Just saying that Demri could have done so much more. I believe its the second version. She wasnt out getting loaded and living it up thats Rachels story. He only ever made one reference to the fact though, and that was after she was gone. He told me that the first time he did it, he was exhausted and feeling like shit. Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe. But Im glad that Demri existed, she was special and brightened the lives of many of those around her special enough that we still talk about her and admire her beauty 24 years after her death. They both go through hell, together and apart, but the love they shared keeps them together, not as a couple, but as two people who will never leave one another, no matter what. Demri never grew up. She was unconscious for two and a half hours before she finally got to hospital. Yes, Laura very, very true you basically nailed it. Was she brought to this career choice based on struggles in her own life? Photo Timeline. They were engaged to marry on 1992. For me, I was blesse dot have been there when it all happened ( Im from L.A. Ethnicity: English, Swiss-German, Irish, Scottish, remote Welsh, possibly 1/64th Cherokee Native American. I cant say I know much about her, but in the end, I hate the idea of romanticizing two junkies seemingly feeding off of each other. It needs to be a full on mission or its 100% harder. But in continuing with heroin and coke, she damaged her body more, to the point of no return. That crap about the model and Layne I would bet money thats not true. Please take care if you. To give Layne and Demri a fair and honest recording of their life stories. I think at that point Jerry got pissed and tired of waiting around and did his own music. Then management needs to discuss the contents with the bandlet them know its a brotherhood or sisterhood. I did not see anything from anyone on Thursday Oct 29 2015 about demri I guess everyone forgot. Demri Parrott, former GF of Layne Staley - She was really frisky; she was all over everybody. Layne was like no other. 2nd have some compassion or can you not readI have just been told I am dying of cancer and yes I have kids too and am a single parent at that with bills as wellso I understand all to well and I too am a recovering addictI in no way was ugly to no-one whatsoever!!!!!! You have done so much, been through so much, God bless you. She didnt met her biological father and half sister until she was an adult. But, either way, I just wanted to say what a beautiful site and all the loving comments about a side of Layne that most of us would have never had the chance hear about. When I called Christy about Demris Wake she asked what happened because Demri had just been there Monday night, which was the 28th which matched with Tom. Keep us updated on how you are doing. (At the time, Layne didnt know what happened with MS. Id heard it from one of the people I knew who also lived there. This site will let you fact check and their are some concert's where he talks pretty negative about her stealing and selling their equipment, etc. I couldnt afford all the hospital bills, but somehow, or someone, helped Demri. I apologize ms. Susan. Sparing the details, I ended up having a stupid fight with her about Layne. Parrott was born in Bremerton, Washington to Kathleen Austin and Dennis Dougherty on February 22, 1969. Theres an interview with AIC from 1999 on RockLine (Im sure you know it) where Layne calls in, and at the end of the interview he mentions that theres a girl he was friends with that had turned into a freak. YOU NEED TO STAY FAR FAR AWAY FROM!! I knew Layne circa 94 99, Demri circa 96 right before shd died. I looked a little bit like Demri back then and I always had the feeling that Layne was a little weirded out by that. I have no doubt in my mind about that. I heard that methadone is harder to kick than H in some cases. Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? She met Layne when she was eighteen or nineteen, and its reported that it was love at first sight. And part of me wondered if he moved there because he didnt have to drive anywhere and it was easy access. This website is dedicated to Demri Parrott, Layne Staley, Mike Starr and Rosheen Raugi with love and for anyone who ever thinks they wanna try it just once for fun.. Some people say that, on tour, Layne ran out of coke, and Demri went looking but found Herion instead. I cant stop wat other people write but I hate seeing stupid stuff written so flippantly on sites like tumbler twisting around good peoples word. Greetins from Brazil!:). The talent and beauty he had surrendered to drug addiction and the rest was due to depression due to his drug use so all of it was due to heroin. Then she moved in with Layne because she had nowhere else to go. The Blue Moon was kind of notorious, at least when I was a teenager, as the place to go buy drugs. Demri was well known and had numerous friends that she touched with her charismatic and enchanting personality. When they cancelled the 94 tour it was because Layne was afraid. They seemed happy in most of the photos taken of them back when they were together. Rare photo of Demri Parrott & Layne Staley from a photo shoot they did together. She was tiny (around 4'11", 150cm or 5, 152 cm), dark-featured, with long dark hair and dark eyes. Id last about 3 days. My daughter was actually a big reason why I fell into darkness because her mom was making my life miserable and it made me feel absolutely worthless and then I would get high bc then I wouldnt think about it. Bless you. I dont think a lot of people understand how much damage it does. Are they highor notmatters none That's her storylive yours. She had this really cool, big Roman nose. These talented people were all under the thumb of an evil drug addiction that tortured them and eventually ended their lives and heroin is not a drug you try once so if you want to be another tragic statistic..go ahead and try it only once but Ill tell you from my own personal experience being there when people have tried that it for the first time and very few successfully do that. Dem had gifts, she was not tortured she was a very old soul. I hope that you get to write your own edition of a book about Demri and Layne. Best thing people can do is move away from everything you know and everyone you know that makes it easy. However, their addictions caused damage to the relationship and they broke off their engagement. I started writing this journal online because writing about losing you all has helped to heal my broken heart when nothing else did. What a cute smile! JAMES BURDYSHAW Demri had started lookin kinda ragged for a young person. Also I do know Rachel was trying to be there for Layne after Demri died and he did let her but he said not romantically. I have never known Mike to lie and I knew him a long time. Go to you tube, type in temple of the dog off ramp cafe. She did not need makeup to shine. See more News You may also like. I also do NOT recommend enabling or helping addicts stay in their addiction by loaning them money or letting them stay with you.. especially if their addiction is messing up your own daily lifebut I also dont recommend calling them names or hating on them either they do that enough to themselves already. Actually I was bothered by it though. The opposite was true for so many other women in a similar position/relationship in Seattle at that time. The couple was already separated at that point, and while Staley had plenty of rock star money to finance his habits, Parrott's lower funds forced her to ultimately sell her body in order to finance her drug use. Layne Staley's Last Photo - The Mystery Behind His Photos Not sure about the legs. Demri Parrott Photos, News and Videos, Trivia and Quotes - FamousFix I have a respectable job and the only way I could keep it was to get right before I went to work and I would spend a 2 week pay check in 3 days and starve for 2 weeks. Drugs make you paranoid. beautiful post, beautiful website and beautiful comment thread . They didnt want people to be too scared to call them. It turns my stomach. There are similar pics of Erin Everly & Axl Rose back in the day, to Layne & Demri. During this year I hadnt heard a thing. Its sad because most society cant look past ones addiction to drugs although we all have some weakness or do something that would be frowned upon & even if one was perfect its still not right. Im grateful to be 19 years clean and sober and also I stopped before my body got thrashed ( although coke alcohol and pot were my drugs of choice, not heroin). She moved around to different high schools in the 1980s. Layne did mention that he was affected by Kurts death. Did she have a license? The two soon became engaged but eventually broke up around 1994. I remember the first time I heard AIC I was living close to the beach and just started smoking weed and I surfed every day. However, I found that things that boost your confidence and self esteem help you stay away from it. I can understand that to a degree, but we were pals, and I wasnt gonna One Day Ay A Time. Rest in Peace our sweet angels. But my son also dabbles in drugs. They can seduce you and make you feel like nothing else can be as good to you. He was already quite reclusive in 1996" The last time Demris mother, Kathleen Austin, saw Layne Staley, was in 1997. Barbara, Hi ~ In no way did I mean to upset anyone on this site. Believe me they love you!! I love it. Although she went to rehab several times, it didnt work to her, and sometimes had to turn to theft and prostitution to get some money for the drugs. I feel as though we can no longer talk about Layne on any AIC sites and that he is slowely being weened off of all of again & again, thanks, and love hearing your stories. "Layne supplied nearly all the money for their addictions. That sucks! Ill be thinking of you. And there used to be a girl in my life who reminds me of Demri a lot. to make him jealous. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This website was also made with the AIC fans in mind and to introduce you to themthe real Demri not just the girlfriend of Layne Staley. All the pain and suffering when their lives could have been filled with so much love and happiness. Kathleen will verify the full name thing too. (Back then we were still afraid of Aids and stuff and I dont mean Layne and Demri but others that came over. They have many members,some who knew Layne personally,and they are always being updated with member participation. One of his friends told him that hed had an image of Layne trapped in an airplane as it filled with smoke (what a thing to say!) The girl looks like her. Layne continued touring, they both continued the drugs. Demri died on Oct. 29th of 96 of a heroin overdose. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. It was never about, How are we going to prop him up to get him on a tour? I had this conversation with Layne over and over and over after the success of Facelift: Your health is the most important thing. The Sony people were trying to use me as eyes and ears to report backis he doin drugs? A month after I saw her on the bus, she was dead. Jul 10, 2014 - Layne with fans New Years Eve 1999, reportedly last public photo in circulation. Ok, thank you Liz! He was known for his distinctive vocal style and tenor voice, as well as his harmonizing with guitarist/vocalist . They were always fine with my vegetarian dishes but I wanted to get some nutrients in them and meat on their bones, which is pretty much all I could really do to help. And I agree, no one should die the way he did, junkie or not. So I get it and I consider myself to be a very strong willed woman. The seduction of heroin is no joke and ANYONE can be its next victim. Very little is known of Demri Parrott, except that she was practically worshiped by her fianc, Layne Staley. The sad parts of all of our lives are the MOST important cautionary tales on this website.. written for someone who needs to hear it or some kid or young adult who thinks they just wanna try heroin someday Do not do it! She said take her to Capital Hill to Rehab so he thought he was (per what he told me). Layne had admitted that he was mostly finished with show business. Maybe her mom or her friends have some but are not interested in posting them. I ask them to send me the strength I need. Otherwise its just another chain.. you cant go without. I started our just doing it because it made me feel energized to create my own music as well as to work. I meant she never *tapped out* not tapped it Ugh! I cant get it to paste & post, but at least the other two are still here However so. In 1996, Staley's life was turned upside down when his former fiance, Demri Lara Parrott, died of a drug overdose and when she passed, so did a bit of Staley. If youre saying to yourself Ahh.. Personally I see it as a travesty that she has managed to get her name linked with Layne forever in some kind of tragic love story. I guess there is so little real information out there, so these kinds of stories become defacto fact. Staley couldn't bring himself to join Cantrell on stage after being asked, and a photo taken of him backstage is the last image of the singer before his death. Staley and Parrott met in 1988 while she was working at a store called Saturdays. Demri made a mess of the house and the living situation in Laynes absence. Addicts not necessarily. Layne and Demri met at a party back in 1988 and it was love at first sight. She studied at the Arlington High School, Washington (1984 1986); the Lakewood High School, Arlington, WA (1986); and the Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville, Florida (1985 1989). Much love to you, from W. Seattle xoxo. Apparently she made friends with some of the elderly people and used to make them laugh. . And did you ever see Mad Season play live? ~Kat. We all know parts of things, combined it all might make sense one day huh? Have a look see and enjoy! I respect that. Mad Season. Layne loved what they had done, he thought Jerry did it on purpose. I think what we could do for the fallen heroin addicts is change. Layne was trying to quit EVERYthing at this time (he even attempted quitting smoking) and Sean was still bringing pot around everytime they would get together. He went into rehab after that. I am not saying Rachel is a bad person, prior to this I thought she was a hat maker genious, but it was at the very least odd because they werent friends, but Demri always the gracious host even on her deathbed. She did what she wanted to do, and the friends she left behind are crying at her memory. I made myself get over my stupid feelings for you because I had to, and when I did that I also got over my frustration with the fact that everytime I defended you I had to hide behind anonymity and lose credibility. She died on 29 October 1996 in Evergreen Hospital, Kirkland, Washington / Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA at the age of 27. I try to not let bad things that happen to me in life to drive me to get high. Anyway I feel for both of them. Demri tried to warn me too and I also ignored her and lost years of my life.. that I can barely remember and doing almost everything I had always promised myself that ID NEVER DO I EVENTUALLY ENDED UP DOING THINGS I COULD NEVER OF IMAGINED ALWAYS JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE THAT FUCKING EVIL ADDICTION!! I was into the grunge scene since my brother first brought home a copy of Nirvana Nevermind in 1991. Happy to hear youve enjoyed it. Its been a doubt to me, because Ive also read in a lot of interviews from 97, 98, that Mark was already living in La because of rehab and stuff like that but sometimes would come to Seattle, although he moved to LA in 98but yeah, it might be possiblethanx again! Layne loved Clean Demri it gave him hope. Layne Staley's Haunting Wedding That Never Was Will Break Your Heart Pictorials. Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. A fascinating existence to say the least. Rare pictures show her to be dark-featured and pretty, with long black hair and dark eyes. More rehab for both. I believe that although Layne loved her, and Demri loved him, they both had their own agendas for life, which unfortunately didnt mesh in the final turn of life. I am aware however that when your in heroin there is no thinking positive when your adducted to it because your brain is drained of the hormone that makes you happy. The distance between how young, beautiful and full of life Demri was in this pictures, and how much pain and suffering she must have suffered later in life, based on what you have shared, is so huge. Now for the more positive things: Demri Parrott (which I recently found out was pronounced Puh-Row) was described by everyone who knew her as a bubbly, charismatic and beautiful girl. I have no clue where or how that rumor ever got started but it is for sure not Demri. Demri Parrott was an American model.,, Oh Barbara, I was just waitting for your confirmation but now im very disappointed:( But anyway thank you very much for this site. That time he was upset because he felt everyone in the band should be at Rehab and it really pissed him off to be singled out esp. Let their legacy be one of art and discovery, friendship and love. Demri always and forever a wild wood pixie. One of his more moronic friends told me that he had actually died, but what little I did get from Layne told me this wasnt true. Unconditional love? Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. I wish they had suboxone and subutex available then instead of methadone clinics, I think it wouldve been easier on them. As for Mike Starr, if youre wondering, he was living in a crappy old apartment (same building that I used to live in,) with his father. If a kittens in your bed clawing you, its a kitten, you know? Also there is a pretty controversial youtuber whos channel is Freelee the Banana Girl, and she does cuss a lot lol, but her videos can definitely help. She would be in there for months at a time following serious operations on her heart that left a foot long scar on her chest, and she had a pacemaker installed. This is the kind of ridiculous talk he put up with from people who claimed to like him.
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